Hello! In your Making Ink book, pg 69, there’s a beautiful shot of what I think is copper oxide ink and buckthorn. It almost looks like crystals have formed on the paper. Would you be willing to share the process of that reaction? I’ve scoured this sub stack, your IG, and the book. Thank you!

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The water sunchoke tubers have been boiled is also a beautiful greenish blue ... have you ever made ink from sunchoke tubers?

I have about a cup of the liquid and am soaking a bit of paper & a strip of white cotton, but I have the impression the colour will not be permanent as is.

I did four small tests with scraps of cotton using salt, baking soda, vinegar, and cream of tartar. None seemed to change the colour, so I added salt and vinegar (per the basic recipe of your book) to the remaining liquid I have and it's on the stove.

I love this wondering and discovery-in-waiting. Thank you for all the new neural soul pathways.

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